Distance Learning- Parent Letter from L Wilson- Week 4
Dear NES Families,
Hard to believe we have just completed the third week of Distance Learning. I can speak for myself and he staff- We really miss your kids! The teachers are reporting that students are really happy to see each other during their class ZOOM sessions. If this is the best way to social distance then we should keep on doing so.
I hope you have noticed with each week the teachers have been refining and fine tuning lessons to make this process easier for both the parents and the kids. As always, reach out to your child’s teacher or myself if you need assistance. Motivating your child at times may be difficult, please remind them that their efforts will make both you and their teachers proud, and help get them ready to come back to school. Setting a schedule to include school work and motivation breaks may also help you motivate them. We are familiar with this scenario.
Using the If/ Then plan. Most kids are familiar with this:
For Example: If you do the whole reading lesson Then you can (pick a snack, ride your bike for 20 min, watch a show for 30 min, have a treat, do an art project) The Then should be something you can offer as a motivator- one thing you know they would LOVE to do.
I hope you have a nice long weekend. As promised, I kept this week's letter short.
Thank you for all of your support during this time- we are in this together!